Occupational Hygiene Archives - Workplace Health & Safety | Occupational Hygiene | WHS | OH&S https://www.aussafety.com.au/services_category/occupational-hygiene/ Workplace Health and Safety Consulting Services Wed, 11 Dec 2024 00:28:42 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://www.aussafety.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/facion2.png Occupational Hygiene Archives - Workplace Health & Safety | Occupational Hygiene | WHS | OH&S https://www.aussafety.com.au/services_category/occupational-hygiene/ 32 32 Environmental Nosie Management https://www.aussafety.com.au/services/occupational-hygiene/environmental-nosie/ Wed, 04 May 2022 12:17:06 +0000 https://aussafety.geckomediamarketing.com.au/?post_type=services&p=1295 Are you a good neighbour?

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Environmental Noise

Helping you look after your community & surrounds.

Nobody likes loud neighbours – just ask the myriad of legislations surrounding environmental noise impacts. From council by-laws to federal legislature the impact of noise is an important control for companies across Australia. If you need help with measuring environmental noise or resolving a complaint call us or request a quote today.

Helping you look after your community & surrounds.

Nobody likes loud neighbours – just ask the myriad of legislations surrounding environmental noise impacts. From council by-laws to federal legislature the impact of noise is an important control for companies across Australia. If you need help with measuring environmental noise or resolving a complaint call us or request a quote today.

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Our Approach to Environmental Noise

Environmental noise is defined as unwanted or harmful outdoor sound created by human activity, such as noise emitted by means of transport, road traffic, rail traffic, air traffic and industrial activity. Environmental noise is a pervasive environmental pollutant that leads to annoyance and can be perceived as stressful. The impacts on people reach from annoyance and sleep disturbance over direct impacts on the aural system, indirect physical impacts to cognitive impairments and psychological disorders. Noise impacts vary with exposure levels, time of day, sound source characteristics, peoples’ constitution, surrounding conditions and the cultural settings and may well change over time.

AusSafety can help you with:

  • Boundary level measurements
  • Source of compliant monitoring
  • Compliance monitoring

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Environment noise assessment

An environmental noise assessment may be as simple as taking some short-term 15 minute attended measurements at a single problem location, to multi location long-term continuous noise logging that could last a week, or a month at a time. Our acoustic consultants take the time to discern your problem and find the right solution.

Our highly experienced consultants can navigate the rules and regulations surrounding environmental noise. This includes understanding AS1055:2018 Acoustics – Description and Measurement of Environmental Noise, SEPP’s, Council By-laws, & ERA’s.

The Australian Standard sets out general procedures for the description and measurement of environmental noise, including repetitive impulsive noise. It defines the basic quantities to be used for the description of noise in community environments and provides basic procedures for the determination of these quantities. The Standard applies primarily to noise emitted from industrial, commercial and residential premises. It excludes the setting of environmental noise criteria. Such levels are set by regulations or organizational policies including those referenced above.


AusSafety builds relationships with our clients to best understand the needs & requirements of workers onsite. We have the experience & qualifications to help you today.

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Asbestos Hazardous Materials https://www.aussafety.com.au/services/occupational-hygiene/asbestos-and-hazardous-materials-management/ Tue, 03 May 2022 11:58:32 +0000 https://aussafety.geckomediamarketing.com.au/?post_type=services&p=1262 Asbestos Hazardous Materials: You know they are dangerous! We can help.

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Asbestos and Hazardous Materials

Asbestos and hazardous materials remain a wide-spread health risk to workers if poorly managed

We know you haven’t come here to be told the dangers around asbestos or hazardous materials. If you are here for help in managing the risks then let us help you! Our licences asbestos assessors can assist you from identification, management & control methods to keep your workers safe. AusSafety is a leading provider of asbestos & hazardous materials management across all industries of Australia. Call us or request a quote today!

Asbestos and hazardous materials remain a wide-spread health risk to workers if poorly managed

We know you haven’t come here to be told the dangers around asbestos or hazardous materials. If you are here for help in managing the risks then let us help you! Our licences asbestos assessors can assist you from identification, management & control methods to keep your workers safe. AusSafety is a leading provider of asbestos & hazardous materials management across all industries of Australia. Call us or request a quote today!

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Our Approach to Asbestos & Hazardous Materials

It is estimated that asbestos makes up approximately 6.4 million Tonnes of the built environment of Australia. Exposure to asbestos or hazardous materials can lead to chronic, life shortening disease or other serious health effects. As an example, the incidence of mesothelioma has been steadily increasing since the early 1980’s.

Hazardous materials management is undertaken by licensed assessors to assist PCBU’s control the risk of exposure to workers. When it comes to asbestos and hazardous materials management, our consultants offer a range of services that include but are not limited to:

  • Building, plant, structure, vehicle inspections and suspect material sampling
  • Asbestos and Hazardous Materials Surveys and Register development
  • Asbestos and Hazardous Materials Risk Assessments
  • Asbestos Air Monitoring, including personal exposure monitoring and asbestos removal control monitoring
  • Asbestos Clearance Inspections and Reports
  • Asbestos and Hazardous Materials Management Plans
  • Asbestos Awareness Training
  • Emergency Response and Critical Incident Response; and
  • Technical Advice for Regulatory Compliance Issues

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Hazardous Materials in the Built Environment:

Along with Asbestos, these hazardous materials are commonly found in the build environment around Australia:

  • Synthetic mineral fibres
  • Lead paint
  • Ozone depleting substances (ODS)
  • Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
  • Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)

All of these materials have been routinely used in workplaces throughout history. These materials have been known to cause a number of adverse health and environmental effects. Asbestos for example is known to cause lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis in humans.

The need for all organisations to minimise the risk posed to building occupants by asbestos and hazardous materials is enshrined in workplace health and safety law. One of the largest sections of the model WHS Regulations deals with the management of asbestos. It is a highly regulated material.

National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) accredited laboratories

We partner with National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) accredited laboratories for the sample analysis, whether it be bulk asbestos samples, asbestos or synthetic mineral fibre counts, or lead in paint. Given the highly regulated nature of asbestos, if there is any doubt as to what steps should be taken, it is best to speak with an expert to provide the right advice. To briefly display how regulated asbestos is within the workplace, the following is true based on the model WHS Regulations in Australia:

  • All workplaces that have building built prior to 2003 are required to have Asbestos Registers if there is reason to believe that asbestos may be present.
  • An asbestos register must state the location, condition and risk of the material, amongst other things.
  • The asbestos register must be regularly reviewed and revised as necessary, typically with intervals no greater than 5 years. Individual risk assessments may require more regular reviews.
  • Where asbestos is present in a workplace, an asbestos management plan must be developed and in place. There are stringent requirements about what must be in an asbestos management plan.
  • Asbestos can typically only be removed by licensed tradespeople. There are few exceptions where this is not the case, however they must be competent and knowledgeable about the correct removal and disposal requirements.
  • Air monitoring may be required by law, however is generally best practice, for when asbestos is being removed. Air monitoring ensures that the asbestos being removed is done so in a controlled manner.
  • Asbestos clearance inspections must be undertaken at the completion of licensed asbestos removal. This is to ensure all asbestos containing materials within the scope or work have been removed and the area is safe for re-occupation.


AusSafety builds relationships with our clients to best understand the needs & requirements of workers onsite. We have the experience & qualifications to help you today.

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Air Quality Monitoring https://www.aussafety.com.au/services/occupational-hygiene/air-quality-monitoring/ Sun, 01 May 2022 05:24:55 +0000 https://aussafety.geckomediamarketing.com.au/?post_type=services&p=163 Do you know what is going into your lungs?

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Air Quality Monitoring

Airborne hazards while performing work can lead to acute or chronic illness if not correctly assessed and controlled

Some airborne hazards are not visible, yet the impact on the human body may range from nuisance health effects to chronic, long-term disease. AusSafety has an in-house, full-time Certified Occupational Hygienist and hygiene team ready to undertake on-site air quality monitoring. We are a leading provider of air monitoring services and have experience across every industry across Australia. Call us or fill out a proposal request form below

Airborne hazards while performing work can lead to acute or chronic illness if not correctly assessed and controlled

Some airborne hazards are not visible, yet the impact on the human body may range from nuisance health effects to chronic, long-term disease. AusSafety has an in-house, full-time Certified Occupational Hygienist and hygiene team ready to undertake on-site air quality monitoring. We are a leading provider of air monitoring services and have experience across every industry across Australia. Call us or fill out a proposal request form below

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Our Approach to Air Monitoring

Airborne hazards can come in many forms, including:

  • Particulate (Dust)
  • Fume
  • Vapour
  • Gas

We are an approved and accredited of dust monitoring and dust management services suitable to meet the QGL02 Management of respirable dust in Queensland Mineral Mines and Quarries Guideline.

Air monitoring is undertaken to determine the concentration of suspected airborne hazards that may be present in the workplace. This is done in accordance with the relevant recognised standard for the suspected hazard. The results of air monitoring are then compiled & reviewed by our in-house occupational hygienists against relevant standards as a means of determining whether an individual is at risk.

The following air quality concerns are a few of our services that we can assist you with. If you require help with any of these, please contact us today:

  • Respirable dust and crystalline silica (quartz)
  • Inhalable dust and metals
  • Diesel particulate matter (DPM)
  • Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)
  • Airborne asbestos
  • Welding fumes
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) e.g., formaldehyde, solvents, etc.
  • Isocyanates
  • Ammonia
  • Sewer gases

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How we conduct Air Monitoring

Workers are required to have an air-sampling pump attached to their belt with the sampling head placed within the breathing zone of the worker. This is done by our occupational hygiene team member prior to the beginning of the workers shift. A controlled level of air will be drawn through the sampling train to capture airborne contaminants. The sampling equipment is worn for the entire shift & removed by the occupational hygiene team member. Following testing, samples are sent to NATA accredited laboratory partners for analysis.

We also utilise a process taken from the mining industry, whereby every worker monitored is provided with a feedback diary. The diary is a way for each worker to record the tasks that they undertook throughout the monitoring period. This helps us keep a record from the worker’s perspective of what they did throughout their shift.

Static location measurements can also be taken at specific locations around the workplace. These can be done with detector tubes, photo ionisation detectors (PID) or dust tracks (real-time dust monitors). Typically, the purpose of these measurements can be to confirm the effectiveness of a control measure if taken before and after the control is implemented. They can also be used to ‘sniff out’ high emission points.

After performing onsite monitoring, AusSafety’s team will compile the data collected into a comprehensive report. This report will include all personal exposures sample results, static sample results (if taken) and worker feedback received along with other observations made by the hygiene team member. Combining these together we will provide concise conclusions in relation to exposure standards & useful recommendations to help you control worker exposure. All hygiene reports are peer reviewed before being delivered.

AusSafety Standards & Compliance

We only use Australian Standard, AIOH, and NIOSH methods and techniques to provide all air monitoring services. We also only use National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) accredited laboratories for the sample analysis. All personal sampling equipment, calibrators & static measurement equipment are calibrated by NATA accredited calibration laboratories.

We fully customise large scale exposure monitoring programs or one-off assessments that are appropriate to your situation. Every situation is different, from the objective of the monitoring, to the budget. We always aim to ensure any assessment is designed to ensure efficient and effective use of both time and money.

Our occupational hygienists utilise the AIOH’s Occupational Hygiene Monitoring and Compliance Strategies guidebook to help design any monitoring program. A referenced tool from the guidebook is the Occupational Exposure Sampling Strategy Manual DHEW (NIOSH) Publication No. 77- 173, which is commonly used for large scale monitoring programs. Smaller one-off assessments may require any number of approaches mentioned within the AIOH guidebook. All monitoring approaches are agreed prior to undertaking any on-site assessment.

Our Occupational Hygienists can:

  • Conduct personal monitoring to assess your employees’ individual or Similar Exposure Groups (SEGs) exposure
  • Conduct static (fixed) monitoring at strategic locations to assess how well control measures are working, or determine specific locations that may require additional control.
  • Conduct real time (process specific) measurements to determine how specific processes or movements within the workplace contribute to worker exposure.


AusSafety builds relationships with our clients to best understand the needs & requirements of workers onsite. We have the experience & qualifications to help you today.

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Occupational Noise Management https://www.aussafety.com.au/services/occupational-hygiene/occupational-noise/ Sun, 01 May 2022 04:18:52 +0000 https://aussafety.geckomediamarketing.com.au/?post_type=services&p=1246 Hearing loss prevention & control

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Occupational Noise Management

Occupational hearing loss is non-curable, however it’s 100% preventable

As part of our total hearing conservation solution, occupational noise management is one of our most frequently performed services. We are industry experts in delivering noise services to workplaces Australia wide across every industry. If you require any noise services, call us or complete the request for quote today!

Occupational hearing loss is non-curable, however it’s 100% preventable

As part of our total hearing conservation solution, occupational noise management is one of our most frequently performed services. We are industry experts in delivering noise services to workplaces Australia wide across every industry. If you require any noise services, call us or complete the request for quote today!

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Our Approach to Noise Monitoring

Noise is unwanted sound considered unpleasant, loud or disruptive to hearing. Excessive workplace noise can lead to noise induced hearing loss which is a leading cause of workers compensations claims.

Occupational noise monitoring is undertaken in accordance with ASNZS 1269.1 Occupational Noise Management to determine the levels of noise that workers may be exposed to in the workplace. The results of a noise survey are then compared against exposure standards as a means of determining whether the individual (or group of workers) is at risk of long-term damage to their hearing.

If you require any of the following services, please call us or send a request for proposal today:

  • Static noise level survey
  • Noise dosimetry
  • Boundary noise sampling
  • Noise management plan
  • Hearing conversation program
  • Noise contour mapping

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How we conduct a Noise Survey

Workers are required to have a noise dosimeter attached to their shirt collar to determine personal noise exposure. This is done by our Occupational hygiene team member prior to the worker beginning their shift. This process only takes a few minutes per worker. The noise dosimeter is worn for the entire shift & removed by the occupational hygiene team member. The data is downloaded for inclusion in the noise survey report.

We also utilise a process taken from the mining industry, whereby every worker monitored is provided with a feedback diary. The diary is a way for each worker to record the tasks that they undertook throughout the monitoring period. This helps us keep a record from the worker’s perspective of what they did throughout their shift.

Static sound level measurements are taken with a sound level meter at specific locations around the workplace. This can be done to measure the level of noise emissions from specific machinery, at workstations or from portable equipment. These measurements typically represent one whole cycle of a process, however may also represent critical portions of the process in isolation for the purposes of highlighting for control.

Where requested, AusSafety will produce a noise contour map that details the noise levels across a given work area. They are most beneficial at workplaces with fixed equipment to help determine mandatory hearing protection areas & the class of hearing protection required.

After performing onsite monitoring, AusSafety’s team will compile the data collected into a comprehensive noise report. This report will include all dosimetry readings and worker feedback received, static sound level measurements & other observations made by the hygiene team member. Combining these together we will provide concise conclusions in relation to exposure standards & useful recommendations to help you control worker exposure. All hygiene reports are peer reviewed before being delivered.

All of our personal noise dosimeters, calibrators and sound level meters are calibrated by National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) accredited calibration laboratories. It is important to note that an occupational noise assessment should be conducted any time the following occurs at a workplace:

  • installation or removal of machinery or other noise sources likely to cause a significant change in noise levels
  • a change in workload or equipment operating conditions likely to cause a significant change in noise levels or exposure times;
  • a change in building structure likely to affect noise levels;
  • a change to working arrangements affecting the length of time workers spend in noisy work areas;
  • or in any event, every 5 years.

Noise Standards

The National Standard for Occupational Noise [NOHSC:1007 (2000)] sets the maximum daily occupational noise exposure level at an eight-hour equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level (LAeq,8h) of 85 dB(A) and, for peak noise, a C-weighted peak sound pressure level (LC,peak) of 140 dB(C). This standard has been brought forward into the model WHS Regulations and those jurisdictions that persist with their legacy health and safety legislation (such as Victoria and WA).

  • LAeq,8h of 85 dB(A) means that over an eight-hour shift a worker can’t be exposed to more than 85 decibels. Whether this is exceeded depends on the level of noise involved and how long a worker is exposed to it.
  • LC,peak of 140 dB(C) means a worker can’t be exposed to a noise level above 140 decibels. Peak noise levels greater than this usually occur with impact or explosive noise such as sledge-hammering or a gun shot. Any exposure above this peak can create almost instant damage to hearing.


AusSafety builds relationships with our clients to best understand the needs & requirements of workers onsite. We have the experience & qualifications to help you today.

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